September 27 @ 10:00
We will be meeting in-person and by live stream @ 10:00 AM!
We have had great "re-gatherings" with a number of people able to attend in person. We have reconfigured the auditorium to be able to accommodate more people. It has become very important again to KNOW how many people to expect so please REGISTER HERE. NOTE: If we reach the maximum capacity for the Worship Center, you will be able to use the overflow room.
Gathering in person is important for the Church, but we want to do so wisely and safely. We encourage at-risk or vulnerable individuals, including those with certain underlying medical conditions, seniors, etc., to stay home and worship with us online.
Please take your temperature at home before leaving for church. If you have symptoms of any kind, please do not attend in person. Instead, choose to watch the livestream service.
Avoid crowding together while in the building.
Wear a mask for the duration of your time in the building. Note that our pastors are legally responsible that this is followed. Please show love for each other and love for the leadership by complying.. (please bring your own mask)
Avoid making physical contact with one another (handshaking, hugging, high fives, etc.)
Hand sanitizer will be available for use, but consider bringing your own pocket size.
Please sit in your household units.
Take care to maintain social distancing when moving from your car into the building.
At the end of the service please exit the building quickly and socialize outside.
We will have touchless thermometers available at church if you would like us to check your temperature for you.
Limiting access to the church though one parking lot and entrance
Marking rows for proper social distancing.
Increased cleaning and sanitizing in all spaces.
Servicing AC units and upgrading all air filters.
Suspending the use of coffee and snacks.
Suspending handouts.
This is a family service so there is no childcare or children’s classes this week.
Please bring your kids into the sanctuary with you. Activity packets for preschool and elementary children will be available as you enter. Don't worry if your kids are loud. Your presence is far more important than decorum!
LEGAL: We partner with NCLL the Law Ministry that represents churches across the US and they recommend that we make this point:
Our building has been deep-cleaned with all hard surfaces and the Worship Center chairs carefully disinfected. We also upgraded the HVAC filters to MERV 13 rated filters to assist in mitigating airborne particles. In spite of this, there is inherent risk that we must all assume. COVID-19 is highly contagious and is known to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. By attending Faith Community Church you agree to abide by the procedures established by the church to protect attendees and staff, and you voluntarily assume the risk that you and/or your family may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 either at the church or in the church worship service. You agree to assume all the risks of attendance and participation for you and your family, and you waive any liability against the church and any other parties.
Faith Community Church is committed to providing gatherings that encourage you and help you stay connected to each other, the church and most importantly Jesus; whether at home or in person.
We have had great "re-gatherings" with a number of people able to attend in person. We have reconfigured the auditorium to be able to accommodate more people. It has become very important again to KNOW how many people to expect so please REGISTER HERE. NOTE: If we reach the maximum capacity for the Worship Center, you will be able to use the overflow room.
Gathering in person is important for the Church, but we want to do so wisely and safely. We encourage at-risk or vulnerable individuals, including those with certain underlying medical conditions, seniors, etc., to stay home and worship with us online.
Please take your temperature at home before leaving for church. If you have symptoms of any kind, please do not attend in person. Instead, choose to watch the livestream service.
Avoid crowding together while in the building.
Wear a mask for the duration of your time in the building. Note that our pastors are legally responsible that this is followed. Please show love for each other and love for the leadership by complying.. (please bring your own mask)
Avoid making physical contact with one another (handshaking, hugging, high fives, etc.)
Hand sanitizer will be available for use, but consider bringing your own pocket size.
Please sit in your household units.
Take care to maintain social distancing when moving from your car into the building.
At the end of the service please exit the building quickly and socialize outside.
We will have touchless thermometers available at church if you would like us to check your temperature for you.
Limiting access to the church though one parking lot and entrance
Marking rows for proper social distancing.
Increased cleaning and sanitizing in all spaces.
Servicing AC units and upgrading all air filters.
Suspending the use of coffee and snacks.
Suspending handouts.
This is a family service so there is no childcare or children’s classes this week.
Please bring your kids into the sanctuary with you. Activity packets for preschool and elementary children will be available as you enter. Don't worry if your kids are loud. Your presence is far more important than decorum!
LEGAL: We partner with NCLL the Law Ministry that represents churches across the US and they recommend that we make this point:
Our building has been deep-cleaned with all hard surfaces and the Worship Center chairs carefully disinfected. We also upgraded the HVAC filters to MERV 13 rated filters to assist in mitigating airborne particles. In spite of this, there is inherent risk that we must all assume. COVID-19 is highly contagious and is known to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. By attending Faith Community Church you agree to abide by the procedures established by the church to protect attendees and staff, and you voluntarily assume the risk that you and/or your family may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 either at the church or in the church worship service. You agree to assume all the risks of attendance and participation for you and your family, and you waive any liability against the church and any other parties.
Faith Community Church is committed to providing gatherings that encourage you and help you stay connected to each other, the church and most importantly Jesus; whether at home or in person.