Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed

Our goal is to encourage children to memorize Scripture and then apply it to their lives with short-term and long-term goals and awards. We have weekly lessons on Mondays Trek & Journey at 7pm and Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm for Cubbies, Sparks, and T&T,  throughout the school year and activities that further encourage kids to keep God’s Word in their heart.

AWANA begins in September and ends at the end of April.

Contact Commander Dave Jarvis for any questions
Register annually by downloading and filling out the registration form below. Submit the form in person on the first day.

Contact Info

Cubbies (3 & 4 year olds)
Becky Jarvis

Sparks (Grades K to 2nd)   
Iva Grahek, Assistant Director
301-805-2239 (Home)
240-354-3831 (Cell) 

T&T (3rd to 6th Grades)
Debbie Jarvis, T&T Director
 443-676-2560 (cell)  
Trek (7th & 8th Grades)
Dave Jarvis, Trek Director   
 443-949-2417 (Cell)  

Journey (9th to 12th Grades) 
(410) 533-0506 (Cell)

Sparks Registration
Chris & Brenda Handel, Sparks Admin
410-451-8180 (Home) 

Over 20 Years at FCC!

Our Children’s AWANA ministry, (Tuesdays, 6:30pm – 8:00pm throughout the school year) allows our 3 year olds through 6th graders to focus on learning God’s Word in a FUN atmosphere. AWANA provides a structured opportunity to learn and memorize God’s Word and have fun doing it while stressing strong moral and spiritual values. To volunteer with the AWANA team, please contact Dave Jarvis below.

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

2 Timothy 2:15