Music Ministry
God has given FCC many musicians with many different gifts. The diversity of music styles at Faith is a purposeful, vital part of the worship experience. God’s grandeur cannot be captured in just one form of music. God is preparing us for a day when we will join together with all God’s people, from all time, in worship beyond anything we could ever imagine. Our deep desire is to give people a clear picture of God’s glory in Christ.
Praise Teams
We have multiple worship teams that serve on a rotating basis. While there is much diversity of expression, the goal is always the same – to lead our church in heartfelt praise and response to our Savior.
Performance Choir
With a combination of traditional music and contemporary anthems, the choir plays a valuable part in the worship at Faith and practices on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM.

Tech Team Ministry
The Faith Community Church Tech Ministry helps lead people in worship by supporting every aspect of Faith’s services and events. They worship with their skills by helping to enhance the spoken word, music, and creative visual displays. If you like to use your creative and technical skills to draw people closer to God, get connected here. On-site training is provided for all tech ministries.