At FCC, we seek to welcome one another as Christ has welcomed us. If it is your first visit, arriving 10-15 minutes early is the best way to get the lay of the land and hopefully meet some smiling faces! We have several volunteers ready to point you in the right direction to check-in children or direct you toward the worship center. As far as how to dress, you’re invited to come as you are, whether it’s a suit or shorts you feel most comfortable wearing.


Step Inside

We always have friendly people greeting at our morning services who can answer questions you may have. Just stop by the Welcome desk!

Service Times

9:00am | 10:45am
Worship and Bible study for all ages

Prayer & Care Teams

After our services, we have a prayer team at the front available if you would like to pray with someone, or if you have any questions about Jesus Christ.


Wherever you are, God always has a next step for you to take. It’s not a program, it’s not a list; it’s a life-long pursuit of looking, growing, and living more like Jesus Christ.